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Talk My Daughter Out of Stripping
This is so wrong. This girl came in for a job at my club and I realized she is the daughter of an old friend of mine. I called to see how he felt about her working for me, and he begged and bribed me to talk her out of it. I'm sure he literally meant "talk" but uh...I'm more persuasive with my body-language. This chick didn't know what hit her after I got off the phone with dear-old-dad. I unleashed the beast! She got close to tapping out a few times but in the end, I failed to dissuade her and she got the job. Posting this cuz I know you'll enjoy watching me try. Did you miss the $99 deal? ...the $159 deal...and the $179 deal? Don't miss this Limited Time Offer $199!!! (soon to be $249) Get your Life-time Subscription to see all past AND future videos. Never Pay Again. Click "Buy Subscription Now" tab below
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